Phew! It's Normal. An Age past Age Guide for What to Expect From Kids & Teens – And What They Need From Us

Phew! It's Normal. An Age by Age Guide for What is Normal Behaviour for Children and Teens

Being a kid or a teen is not for lightweights – information technology's tough out in that location! In that location are of import things that need to be done, that only they can practise. The nature of these jobs depends on the developmental stage they are at. Knowing what is normal behaviour for children and teens tin can help to shine the path for everyone involved.

Even as adults, we tin be prone to tantrums, tears and wanting to give the world (or particular people in it) an almighty spray sometimes. For the near part, we can hang to the dramatics and anything that might land u.s. in problem, but even with all of our experience, our fully adult brains, and our chapters to see around corners, it's hard some days. Imagine what it's like for our kids.

Agreement what our kids are wrestling with and the developmental goals they are working towards will make their more 'frustrating' behaviours easier to deal with. Things will run smoother if nosotros can requite them the space and back up they need to do whatever it is they need to. Of grade, none of this ways totally surrendering our boundaries around what'south okay and what isn't in terms of behaviour. What it means is responding with greater wisdom, clarity and with more advisable consequences. Life just gets easier for anybody when we are able to accept things less personally.

Hither are some important developmental stages and the difficult behaviour that might come with them. You'll often observe that their behaviour, though unruly and baffling at times, is completely normal and a sign that your child is flourishing and making his or her manner through childhood or adolescence exactly as they are meant to.

The ages of the stages are just a guide. When checking to see whether your kids are on runway, read the stages around the actual age of your child. The progression through the stages is more important than the age at which this happens. Every bit long as kids are moving through the stages, information technology doesn't affair if they get there slower than other kids.

Infants & Babies (0-12 months).

  • Everything will go in the mouth – easily, feet, food, toys, shoes – you proper noun information technology.
  • If they are crying, there is something they need – a sleep, a caress, nutrient, changing. They don't nevertheless have the words to communicate, merely crying is a spectacularly effective way for baby humans to get big humans to move mountains for them. One of the beautiful things about babies is that they will never ask for more than they need.
  • Wary of strangers and might get upset when familiar people aren't close by.
  • Babies will stare. They love faces and will stare at faces in existent life, in books and in mirrors. Oh to exist at an age where staring at other people is socially acceptable – and cute.

The support they need.

Babies take an important job to practise – they need to learn whether or not they tin trust the world and the people in it. For their office, they will work hard to give you the opportunities to show them how condom and secure they are. They might not have much of a vocabulary but they are masterful little communicators when it comes to letting you know when something isn't quite right. Exist consistently circumspect to their needs so they can feel the world as a safe and secure ane for them. Feed them when they are hungry, comfort them when they are scared, cuddle them when they demand to exist with you.  This volition form the foundation for their exploration of the world, their independence, their confidence and self-esteem, and their relationships.

1-2 years.

  • Will go more interactive.
  • No agreement of intentionality – they see, they practise without thinking almost why or what it ways. For case, when they bite, information technology is not to injure, when they grab toys from other kids it'southward non to crusade upset, it'southward to … well, anybody knows that things are for grabbing, right. Or eating.
  • Will follow their curiosity and will pull things down or autonomously to meet what happens. Ditto with throwing anything onto the floor.
  • Not developmentally able to share.
  • Might seem bossy and selfish, but keep in heed that anything they are interested in or considers to exist theirs will be seen every bit an extension of themselves. Of course,  nobody else is entitled to take it!
  • Start to understand possession, and developing a potent sense of self.
  • 2 of their favourite words to say, 'Mine!' and 'No!'
  • Ii of their to the lowest degree favourite words to hear, 'Mine!' and 'No!'
  • Will often wake during the dark.
  • Towards the end of this phase, they may become more defiant every bit they start to experiment with their independence. May tantrum because they become frustrated past their lack of words and their lack of ability to communicate.
  • Tantrums will besides be driven by their experience of big emotions (frustration, anger, sadness, shame) that they don't have the words for.
  • Will be more than probable to play alongside other kids, rather than with them.

The support they need.

  • Their attending span is notwithstanding fairly short, so use distraction to direct them away from what you lot don't desire them to be doing.
  • When you give them a new rule or direction, it'due south likely that the old one will exist forgotten. Sometimes you will love their short attention span. Sometimes yous won't.
  • Be positive when you run across them doing the right affair.
  • Kickoff letting them know the things that aren't okay.
  • Ignore the modest stuff. In that location's so much to learn and then information technology's best not to overload them. Let them get used to the of import things first.
  • Your child will exist starting to understand what you are asking but for the sake of your own sweetness sanity, let go of the expectation that they volition do as y'all ask. Keep asking and guiding, but don't accept it personally if information technology doesn't happen direct up. Or at all.
  • Be kind and gentle when correcting. They are doing their very best with what they have. If you ask for besides much you might end up with a more anxious or more than defiant or less confident three-year-old.
  • Help them put words to what they are feeling, 'It's upsetting when you lot accept to pack your toys away and you want to go along playing isn't it.'

3 years old.

  • Volition experiment with independence. May lead to tantrums.
  • Volition desire increased control. May pb to tantrums.
  • Volition go frustrated when disappointed. May atomic number 82 to tantrums.
  • May see an increase in tantrums.
  • Volition flip betwixt wanting to be independent ('I do it!', or 'by myself') and wanting to be treated like a fiddling person ('comport me' or 'you exercise information technology').
  • Will class a special zipper to the give-and-take 'no' and volition practise it ofttimes. Even when they might mean 'yeah'. (Ahhhh toddlers! Fortunately, evolution has given them a profound capacity for cuteness while they are sleeping. This is important for those catastrophic events, such as when you miss the notification that sandwiches are now to be served as footling triangles, non little squares as was previously deemed acceptable. If this happens, just go with it – you'll need your energy for when they realise you haven't bought the toothpaste with Elsa on the tube.)
  • Might stutter or stammer.
  • Will start to assert control over their environment by wanting to programme activities, do things by themselves, try challenging things.
  • Might continue calling you dorsum when they are put to bed.
  • Might develop sudden fears and phobias.
  • May confuse real and make-believe, and then may have one or a collection of imaginary friends.
  • Still won't understand sharing and volition oftentimes assert ownership, 'Mine!'.
  • Might prove jealousy when parent gives attention to other children.

The support they demand.

  • Write this down, 'It won't be like this forever'. Now stick it on your mirror where y'all'll meet it every solar day.
  • Let them know when they do something well. They want to know that you lot're happy with them and that they're doing okay.
  • Exist gentle when they get it wrong. Your child wants to do the right thing only has things to do and places to be along the way. Don't come down hard on mistakes – they're however figuring it all out and they have a way to go. Care for mistakes equally opportunities to teach them something valuable.
  • Don't have likewise many rules and be consistent with the ones that you lot take. Too many rules and consequences that are all over the place will just confuse them and will gear up the monkey on your back. If yous teach them that sometimes they can get away with it, they're going to keep going. You'd worry if they didn't.
  • Utilize 'no' gently and in moderation. You lot want to encourage their exploration and experimentation with the world and their place in it. Guide them, but don't take abroad their initiative. And don't requite them whatsoever more than reason than they have to use it at you.
  • Give them the freedom and space to play and encourage their experimentation with physical and imaginative play. Back up their efforts to initiate play so they can experience their own capacity to influence their surround.
  • Encourage decision making but limit choices ('Would you like to take a bath first or choose your pyjamas first? Would you similar to wear the red shirt or the yellow shirt today? Would yous prefer corn or avocado with your dinner?' And then, perhaps when they're bigger … 'Would y'all prefer to make me a tea or a coffee?' Oh let'due south just indulge the glorious possibility of it all for a moment.)
  • Don't experience guilty about taking time out for yourself to recharge. The battles volition be easier when y'all're replenished.
  • Have bedtime rituals. Bedtime at this age can be exhausting for everyone. Have a ritual and let it be lovely for both of you lot – a story, a cuddle, a spray of lavender around the room, a kiss, and the words, 'Love you. Nighttime Gorgeous Male child,' – or something.

four years sometime.

  • Will start to exist critical and will ascertain the world in uncomplicated terms. Things and people will be right or wrong, good or bad, overnice or not nice.
  • They will start to realise the ability of their words and will sometimes apply them to get their fashion or to control others. Their command of language will still exist loose, and then they will oftentimes support what they are saying with actions (hitting, pushing, grabbing) or non-verbals (tone, volume, facial expressions, posture/opinion).
  • Will get competitive.
  • Volition still blur reality and fantasy sometimes. Might tell lies, improvident stories, or take imaginary friend/south.
  • Still building their sense of cocky and experimenting with independence, so might be stubborn, defiant and bossy.
  • Will do all sorts of things to avoid bedtime.
  • Might have bad dreams.
  • Might develop a fear of the dark or become broken-hearted thought of being separated from parent or caregiver.
  • Will start to relish playing with other kids rather than simply alongside them.
  • Will test their limits with you but will even so be neat to delight and aid you out when they can.

The support they need.

  • When you set rules, talk to them about why the rules are important. They are curious and developing their ideas about how the globe works. It doesn't mean they'll 'go information technology' straight away, or that they'll comply.
  • Proceed your requests simple.
  • They badly desire to make you happy. Permit them know whenever y'all see good behaviour.
  • Don't argue with a four-year-erstwhile. Just don't. They'll out-do you any twenty-four hour period and if they don't have the words or a sound argument, they'll just keep request 'why'.
  • When it comes to less-than-impressive behaviour, ask what happened merely don't inquire why they did it. Asking 'Why did yous do that?' will just encourage a lie because the boundary betwixt fantasy and reality in the world of a iv-yr-one-time is very – very – loose.
  • When they practice something incorrect, apply gentle consequences but explain why the behaviour is incorrect and that yous know they tin can practice better next fourth dimension. They demand to know you believe in them – they volition do as you do.
  • Exist consistent. If you don't think it's always of import to enforce a rule, your kid will, understandably, think it'due south non won't ever important to follow it.
  • Encourage their independence just remember they are still young. Permit them be petty people when they are stressed or tired.
  • Requite them lots of kisses and cuddles, even though they are 'big people now.'

V years old.

  • Will understand the importance of rules but might divert from the rules when playing. Rules tend to exist 'flexible' – for them at least.
  • May accuse others of cheating if they don't win a game.
  • Will start to show empathy and an understanding that other people might take points of view that are dissimilar to their own.
  • Will be able to share just might even so detect information technology difficult, especially when information technology comes to their special things.
  • Might exist agape of failure, criticism and spooky things like ghosts or monsters.
  • Attention span will start to increment which will bear on on the blazon of discussions y'all are able to have with them.
  • Might come across as being an 'good' on everything.
  • Will enjoy joking around and will start to develop 'potty' humour.
  • Will be looking to brand their own decisions, particularly around what to wear and what to swallow.
  • If starting at school, might be moodier, more sensitive or more tired than usual. Information technology's exhausting having to sit withal and concentrate for long periods.

The back up they need.

  • Encourage anything that will get your child moving, particularly if it is in a group or a team with others. This will help your child to develop important skills like taking turns, getting along with others, working together, negotiating, compromising, and winning or losing graciously.
  • Set aside fourth dimension each twenty-four hour period to play with your child or spend one on one fourth dimension together. This volition give your kid the opportunity to let you into their world, which will ever be one of the best places to be. From here y'all tin can get a feel for what is going on in their beautifully flourishing minds.
  • Starting time to expand your child's emotional literacy by naming and discussing feelings.
  • Connect rewards to responsibilities. 'How near you assistance me articulate the table and and then yous tin take dessert?'
  • Go along to go on rules simple and endeavor non to take too many.

Vi years old.

  • It's pretty probable that they will know a lot more than you. Only ask them.
  • May start tantruming over again.
  • Can outset to test the limits just volition all the same want to please you and assistance out.
  • Will seek praise for their school work and for the good things they do.
  • Volition seek to master new skills and to feel competent.
  • Might worry near being away from you lot.

The support they need.

  • Encourage their efforts and acknowledge when they have worked difficult.
  • Encourage try over outcome to help themdevelop a growth mindset  and a potent self-belief in their chapters to attain.
  • Ensure they become the back up they need if they are struggling at school.
  • Avoid overpraise or meaningless praise and let them know that they are special, but so are other people.

Seven years onetime.

  • Might tend towards complaining, usually about their parents or the rules, just also about friends and other kids.
  • Volition feel misunderstood by many.
  • Can be dramatic about school, friends or life in full general.
  • Will try to utilize words to talk near how they are feeling only may get frustrated and angry when they are upset.
  • Will exist becoming more aware of what other people think.

The back up they need.

  • Listen and validate what they are feeling and know that you don't demand to fix their problems.
  • Discuss how they might solve the things that are causing them trouble. Give them space and encouragement to come up upwards with their own ideas.
  • Don't be fatigued into the dramatics.
  • Don't immediately recall that things are a mess considering they are saying they are.
  • Jump on the positive.

Viii years old.

  • Will want you to think the manner they do and volition have niggling tolerance for your difference of opinion.
  • Volition be very sensitive to what you think of them.
  • Will often fight with the female parent.
  • There won't exist a lot of grey. Things volition exist blackness or white, right or incorrect, practiced or bad.
  • This tendency to call back in absolutes might crusade a lilliputian trouble with friendships. Have comfort in knowing that yours won't be the simply small person struggling with this. They'll be okay – this is the part where they larn almost friendships and how to get along with people.

The back up they demand.

  • When you're praising their good behaviour, be clear about what it is they have done.
  • Avert arguing whenever you can. With their blackness and white thinking, an statement volition just mean that someone is right (them) and someone is wrong (you lot). Instead, inquire them to explain their point of view and encourage them to see things from different angles.
  • Spend enough of fourth dimension together to cement the relationship for the pull away that is coming at adolescence.

Ix years old.

  • Friends will start to be more important than parents, and this will continue through adolescence.
  • What their friends recall volition start to become more and more important.
  • Will narrow the friendship field by having closer friendships, just less of them.
  • Will share jokes and secrets with friends.
  • Will push against rules and directions and may disrespect you.
  • Will be able to be loving and silly but volition as well develop the capacity to be selfish, belligerent and abrasive.

What to do.

  • Provide them with opportunities for independence and to make their ain decisions.
  • Avert being likewise snobby or directive.
  • Encourage them to start thinking nigh things from another indicate of view, 'What would so-and-so say about that?' 'How do you think she felt when that happened?'

Ten to 11 years erstwhile.

  • The tantrums of childhood will exist calming down by now. Enjoy information technology because adolescence has heard that you're relaxing and it'southward on its way.
  • Might still debate about rules and the necessity and detail of them.
  • Will attempt to explain abroad misbehaviour through excuses and justifications. They volition fight hard to find the loophole in the dominion.
  • Promises go important and they volition think EVERYTHING – except when it's their turn to take out the rubbish.

What to do.

  • Don't make promises you won't be able to keep. Once they have something on you, they have yous.
  • Avoid arguing with them whenever you can. They will often have an statement for everything. Hear what they have to say, make your decision, then pull out.
  • Let them push against you lot in safe ways – let them endeavour different things, express their own opinions, and make their own decisions when appropriate.
  • Know where your boundaries are and be ready to implement consequences when they brand a bad decision. Make the consequence about their behaviour, not about who they are.


  • Friends will be more than of import than family. You're all the same important, merely there's something they have to practise – discover who they will be when they step into the world as a healthy, independent adult.  Just like you had to do at their historic period.
  • What their peers retrieve of them will exist a source of stress to them for a while, peaking for girls at age 13 and for boys at age 15. They might go to actress lengths to try to fit in with their peers. This might involve making lightheaded decisions or putting themselves in risky situations. Breathe. It will end.
  • They volition get more argumentative and will push against you more. This is perfectly in keeping with their adolescent gamble and their experimentation with independence.
  • May get more emotionally distant from y'all (don't worry – they'll come back only maybe not until they leave their teens).
  • Might not want to be seen in public with you – however cool you are.
  • Volition experiment with their epitome, their identity, and the way they are in the world.
  • They may go sexually active.
  • They might exist impulsive and they might start taking risks. (For a total caption of why they practise this, see hither.)
  • They will be more creative and will start to call back nearly the world in really interesting, different means.
  • They will act like your opinion of them doesn't matter but it does – as much as e'er.
  • They will ofttimes misread your emotional expressions – reading anger, hostility or disappointment when you feel zip similar any of that (See here to sympathize teenage emotional flare-ups).
  • Their slumber cycle will modify. Their circadian rhythm will motility them about three hours by where they were as kids. This means that they will fall asleep three hours past the fourth dimension they used to and unless they are completely wearied, it volition be biologically very difficult for them to fall asleep before. They will need about ix-ten hours sleep so volition demand to sleep in for later.
  • Will want to make their ain decisions about the things that affect them.

What to practice.

  • Don't be judgemental or disquisitional – they need your love and connection more than e'er.
  • Understand that they demand to discover their independence from yous. Give them the infinite to do this. Over time, their values will be likely to align with yours.
  • Know that your teen isn't rejecting you, just is finding their own way in the world – information technology's an important, healthy office of beingness an independent developed – even if it feels bad.
  • Let get of command and go for influence. The harder you fight to control them, the harder they volition push button against y'all. The truth is that when information technology comes to boyhood, nosotros take no control – they will decide how much they involve y'all in their lives, how much they tell you, and how much influence you lot have. Make it easy for them to come up to you lot when something happens or when they demand guidance.
  • Give them data, merely don't lecture.
  • You may or may non know when they offset to get sexually active, then it's important that they have the information and guidance they need to stay physically and emotionally safe. See here for an historic period-by-historic period guide for what they need to know.
  • Don't purchase into arguments – ask them to state their example and talk to yous near the pros and cons of what they desire. By nature, teens will overstate the positives and underestimate the negatives. Encourage them to tell you some of the cons – nothing is ever black or white.
  • Exist the calming strength – exhale and look for the wave to laissez passer over you. Information technology takes 90 seconds for an emotion to be triggered, to superlative and to offset to fade, provided you don't do anything to give it oxygen.
  • Assistance them to plan ahead and encounter around corners, only without judgement.
  • Encourage their social connections and give them infinite to strengthen their relationships. An important function of their development is to decrease their independence on the family unit tribe and to do this. To do this, they will feel an increased demand to strengthen their affiliation with a friendship tribe. Encourage and support this wherever you can.
  • Help them detect safe ways to take risks such as sports – competitive and non-competitive.
  • Let them know you will always do whatever you can to collect them from any situation when they want to come home – regardless of the circumstances and how tardily or far abroad information technology might be.
  • Let aught be off-limits when information technology comes to what they can talk to you lot nearly.
  • Wherever possible, let them sleep in to grab up on sleep deficits.
  • Listen more than you talk.

And finally …

Know that along the style from infant to developed, in that location are some important things that need to be done. There are things to learn, mistakes to be made, boundaries to be pushed, independence to be found. It will exist a beautiful, exhausting, inexplainable, sometimes terrifying, sometimes overwhelming, sometimes traumatic adventure for everyone. Be patient and don't have their opportunities to learn and abound abroad from them by taking their mistakes and their less than platonic behaviour personally. Their greatest growth will come from the mistakes they make and the boundaries that they push up confronting.

Even with the strongest supports in place, they are going to make mistakes – sometimes spectacular ones! Provided they have the support they demand, their mistakes will be nearly their growth, not your parenting.

For our office, information technology is important that we are at that place with dear, nurturing and a steady manus to guide them and with boundaries for them to feel the edges of themselves confronting.  Understanding what is normal behaviour for children and teens will make this easier. Growing up is a journeying of learning, exploring and experimenting – for them and for us.